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Erasmus+ Study offer

Data: 03.01.2022 Kategoria: Erasmus+
Wpis może zawierać nieaktualne dane.

A special invitation is open to foreign students willing to complete part time programmes of study during exchange periods at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science (e.g. one or two semesters in the framework of Erasmus+ programme). The Faculty offers 46 courses in English which corresponds to 4 different fields of study:

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Management and Production Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Automatics and Robotics

The university uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The following listed courses are available for Erasmus students depending on the number of students willing to participate.

The title of the course (2021/2022) form of classes ECTS Teacher
E-FMECS>01-FSE-I Forecasting and Simulation in Enterprise I 15 Lb 3 Prof. Dariusz Plinta
E-FMECS>02-FSE-II Forecasting and Simulation in Enterprise II 15 Lb 3 Prof. Dariusz Plinta
E-FMECS>03-MTI Management of Technology and Innovation 15 W 3 Aleksander Moczała, PhD
E-FMECS>04-DSS Decision Support System 15 Lb 3 Prof. Izabela Kutschenreiter-Praszkiewicz
E-FMECS>05-M Marketing 15 W 3 Prof. Izabela Kutschenreiter-Praszkiewicz
E-FMECS>06-MHSW Management of Health and Safety at Work 15 W 3 Maria Baron-Puda, PhD
E-FMECS>07-PM Personnel Management 15 W 2 Maria Baron-Puda, PhD
E-FMECS>08-ORO Operation Research and Optimisation 15 W 3 Prof. Jacek Stadnicki
E-FMECS>09-MS-MM Materials Science: Metallic Materials 15 Lb 3 Prof. Dariusz Jędrzejczyk
E-FMECS>10-MS-ME Materials Science: Materials Engineering 15 W 3 Prof. Dariusz Jędrzejczyk
E-FMECS>11-MS-HT Materials Science: Heat Treatment 15 Lb 3 Prof. Dariusz Jędrzejczyk
E-FMECS>12-MS-P Materials Science: Polymers 15 Lb 3 Prof. Izabela Rajzer
E-FMECS>13-MS-CM Materials Science: Ceramic Materials 15 Lb 3 Prof. Izabela Rajzer
E-FMECS>14-MS-EB Materials Science: Engineering of Biomaterials 15 Lb 3 Prof. Izabela Rajzer
E-FMECS>15-MS-E Materials Science: Electrospinning 15 Lb 3 Prof. Izabela Rajzer
E-FMECS>16-FM Fundamentals of Metrology 15 W 3 Prof. Wojciech Płowucha
E-FMECS>17-CMT Coordinate Measuring Technique 15 W 3 Prof. Wojciech Płowucha
E-FMECS>18-OR Operational Research 15 W 3 Prof. Wojciech Płowucha
E-FMECS>19-SQM Standardization and Quality Management 15 W 3 Mirosław Wojtyła, PhD
E-FMECS>20-MM Manufacturing Metrology 15 W 3 Prof. Wojciech Płowucha
E-FMECS>21-M Mechatronics 15 W 2 Jerzy Kopeć, PhD
E-FMECS>22-MD Multibody Dynamics 15 W 3 Prof. Andrzej Harlecki
E-FMECS>23-AM Analytical Mechanics 15 W 3 Prof. Andrzej Harlecki
E-FMECS>24-DR Dynamics of Robots 15 W 3 Prof. Andrzej Harlecki
E-FMECS>25-DM Dynamics of Machines 15 Lb 3 Andrzej Urbaś, PhD
E-FMECS>26-FR Fundamentals of Robotics 15 Lb 3 Andrzej Urbaś, PhD
E-FMECS>27-NME Numerical Methods for Engineers 15 Lb 3 Andrzej Urbaś, PhD
E-FMECS>28-SDS Simulations of Dynamical Systems 15 Lb 2 Andrzej Urbaś, PhD
E-FMECS>29-FMCDP Fundamentals of Machine Components Design and Processing 15 W 2 Jerzy Kopeć, PhD
E-FMECS>30-MA Mathematical Analysis 15 W 3 Tomasz Zgraja, PhD
E-FMECS-31-MS Mathematical Statistics 15 W 3 Tomasz Zgraja, PhD
E-FMECS>32-DM Discrete Mathematics 15 W 3 Tomasz Zgraja, PhD
E-FMECS>33-AGT Algorithmic Graph Theory 15 W 3 Jerzy Kopeć, PhD
E-FMECS>34-DT Design Theory 15 W 2 Jerzy Kopeć, PhD
E-FMECS>35-IP Image Processing 15 Lb 3 Joanna Nikodem
E-FMECS>36-SEC Simulation of Electronic Circuits 15 Lb 3 Aleksandra Witkowska-Kłos
E-FMECS>37-IT Information Technology 15 Lb 2 Elżbieta Sadowska-Owczorz, PhD
E-FMECS>38-AIM Artificial Intelligence Methods 15 Lb 3 Krzysztof Augustynek, PhD
E-FMECS>39-PC Programming in C# (Programming III) 15 Lb 3 Prof. Mirosław Kordos
E-FMECS>40-PDA Programming Database Applications (Programming IV) 15 Lb 3 Prof. Mirosław Kordos
E-FMECS>41-PDC Parallel and Distributed Computing 15 Lb 3 Krzysztof Augustynek, PhD
E-FMECS>42-APT Advanced Programming Techniques 15 Lb 3 Prof. Mirosław Kordos
E-FMECS>43-FSM Fundamentals of Strength of Materials 15 W 2 Prof. Dorota Pawlus

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